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Hi Rosey here

Lets talk about why I have gotten into keeping my horses barefoot and helping others follow the same path.

I originally started riding my horses with no shoes due to the cost of keeping shoes on them. I just woke up one day and decided I would trim them myself.  Over the years I always watched what farriers were doing and would pick the brains of the ones I really liked what they were up to, also lots of research and looking at different techniques and following what I liked best. During this time I noticed my horses had much healthier hooves and with a correct trim they had healthier bodies too. Improvement in how they stood and carried themselves and better muscle development. The saying no feet no horse is very true, more than I had realised.

While competing in Endurance I was starting to wear my Arabs feet down too much so started trying out hoof boots after a few fails I stumbled upon the Explora Magic and got in touch to import a pair  to New Zealand. while I was going through the process of getting the boots, I noticed that there were no sellers of these outside of Europe so being a bit cheeky I asked if I could and now here we are!

I love teaching like minded equestrians how to understand a good trim and to recognize one if they are not doing the trim themselves. I feel so proud when a client starts trimming their horses and they are doing an amazing job at it too!

At 4x4 Equestrian we pride ourselves with the ongoing support provided with barefoot trims and getting the hoof boots fitting horses just right. Its not just a sale its about helping the best way we know how.

No question is too silly so fire away and we shall see how we can help you and your horse.

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